Gas Interlock System
Diffusers Grilles & Louvres & Plastic/Fabricated Grille Boxes
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Gas Interlock Systems are an important factor when planning your commercial kitchen, lab and boiler room designs. Good ventilation is not simply a way to improve your working environment, it is a necessity. All areas that don't have provisions for adequate ventilation in their design will not meet current regulations.
Combi-Vent offer a range of Gas Interlock Systems that encompass all aspects of energy efficient air movement within the modern commercial kitchens, labs and boiler rooms.
The gas interlock systems we supply for commercial kitchens, labs and boiler rooms will allow you to fully meet the following requirements:
Commercial Kitchens
Boiler Rooms
***All Merlin Gas Interlock Packages carry a 3 year manufacturers warranty***
We also offer a large range of detectors.
Combi-Vent can also design, supply and install solutions to eradicate excessive system noise and odour using reliable and proven attenuation and odour control products.
We are also able to upgrade your existing canopy and kitchen ventilation system, saving you money.
Download data sheet or contact us now to discuss your commercial kitchen requirements.
For advice and prices on kitchen ventilation equipment please call:
0161 336 5065.